Wellbeing Product Level Defitnion

Wellbeing Product-Level Definition (Tool #8)

Contemporary product development approaches go beyond the definition of the technical parameters of the given service. It is understood that there is at least 3 additional product-levels that need special attention.

This tool identifies the most suitable wellbeing-oriented and wellnessified solutions and the services that can support each product level.

Based on our experience businesses and destinations need assistance and mentoring in defining what kind of core benefits they actually provide, i.e. the most compelling value proposition to the brand, to the property or the destination. The strong wellbeing-orientation can suggest benefits that may not have been considered so far. HTWWLife in-house market intelligence and data learned from external sources help to define the most fitting additional product-level alternatives. The augmented and the potential product levels can represent such product characteristics that can be brough closer to the core during the lifetime of the product.

Wellbeing Product-Level Definition