Well-o-Scan / Med-o-Scan

Well-o-Scan / Med-o-Scan – Reviewing Current Status (Tool #1)

It is prudent to carry out a comprehensive scan of current service provision and brand proposition in terms of wellness and/or medical services. Tool #1 is particularly effective for businesses and destinations that already target wellness and/or medical customers, travellers to certain degree.

The Well-O-Scan for wellness and hospitality, & Med-o-Scan for healthcare businesses provides commentary on the current state of affairs.

  • Resources (wellness and/medical)
  • Staff (permanent or contracted)
  • Operation Characteristics, and
  • Current and Future Business Objectives and Targets.

The Well-O-Scan & Med-o-Scan solution is created for online use. Both have several modules with 45+ questions each. The information and data collected help HTWWLife team to provide operators and destinations with the most appropriate strategy & operations specific commentary.

Should you wish to preview Well-O-Scan or Med-O-Scan contact us directly for a demo.