We believe that the secret of successful development and management of health tourism is how well ideas, opportunities and trends can be adapted and converted to each and every destination and service provider. Our training programmes provide the bridge between these ideas, opportunities and the adaptation at local level.
In the last 20 years HTWWLife Team have worked together with prestigious higher educational organizations helping their efforts in creating health tourism and wellness experience design related courses and programmes. Learn more about these schools’ programmes via the links below:

University of Tartu/Parnü Kolledz (Estonia) – Master in Wellness and Spa Servie Design and Managament

FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Austria) – Master in International Hospitality and Spa Management

Fachhochschule Graubünden University of Applied Sciences (Switzerland) – Minor in Health Tourism Management

Budapest Metropolitan University (Hungary) – Minor in Health Tourism Management

Semmelweis University Faculty of Heath Sciences – Healthcare Management BSc with Health Tourism Specialization