Developments & destinations representing innovative, forward-looking ideas and solutions that show the ways how wellbeing and sustainability get closer together. The 99 Lighthouses Project collects properties and destinations that successfully merge the concepts of sustainability and wellbeing. The 99 Lighthouses sheds lights on innovative, disruptive and path making projects and developments.
The Rationale
One of the key consequences of the global pandemic is that sustainability as well as wellbeing related issues have become more part of reality than probably every before. What appeared to be a distant goal now became an everyday issue. Young generations especially consider sustainability as a major concern. At HTWWLife we strongly believe that the objectives, targets and goals of sustainability and wellbeing are actually similar but still different interpretions of the same very concept. Now, this is time to shed light on these similarities. This is why we introduce the concept of Responsible Wellbeing, i.e. infusing wellbeing-improving solutions in any stage of the guest journey and practicing responsible business approaches. This initiative fits very well with the projects’ ESG compliance!
The 99 Lighthouses Projects aims at championing the best examples from all around the world. Read more about the Rationale here.
What Do We Collect?
We collect ‘lighthouses’, i.e. examples and cases that shed light on one or more aspects of Responsible Wellbeing. A lighthouse can be a project or development from any of the following industries: hospitality, wellness, spa, healthcare, leisure, recreation and entertainment.
We have four main factors that we look at and evaluate the applied approach:
- UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG17) – Which of the 17 goals have taken the project into account and how does it apply inspirational solutions?
- Wellbeing Domains – Which of the 7 wellbeing domains has been considered and how is the project’s or destination’s wellbeing DNA defined?
- Focus Area – Which area(s) represent(s) the core of the wellbeing direction from generic wellness to healing?
- Project or Destination Type – What kind of project or destination is it in question?
Read more about what we collect here.
How Do We Evaluate?
This is not an easy task to accomplish! Both sustainability as well as wellbeing are complex concepts and may have several interpretations. What we are looking for is those projects and properties that have already made successful attempts of combining these two. The 99 Lighthouses is not an ‘official’ list and there is no first or second. More importantly there are great and inspiring examples, initiatives and lessons learned that can be meaningful and applicable to others.
The founders and partners of HTWWLife represent wide range of expertise. We have been involved in sustainable development and planning, wellbeing mapping and engineering as well as destination management or stewardship projects just to name the most important ones.
Read more about what we collect here.
Recommend A Project or Destination
Lighthouses show light as well as direction. We are looking for projects, development and destinations that do both. They shine light on a great example that successfully combines the sustainability and the wellbeing-orientation concepts. Such projects and destinations can pave the way to a new, more compelling and responsible approach applied to hospitality, leisure, entertainment, healthcare, travel, wellness and spa. Such examples are especially inspiring when businesses, destinations as well as administrative bodies look for relevant development directions post-COVID19! The 99 Lighthouses show how a more responsible, transformational and restorative business approach can actually be successfully implemented.
Recommend a project or a destination that represents a successful implementation of responsible wellbeing. Make sure that you highlight the most relevant components and charactaristics. Do tell all the relevant details and share your success story. We are more than happy to share your inspiring work!
Fill in the recommendation form here.